Wood Resource Balances – Circular Economy and Cascading


The publication "Wood Resource Balances - Circular Economy and Cascading" summarises Professor Mantau's work in the field of wood resource balances. In addition to long-term overviews, the work contains numerous methodological innovations. The wood resource balances have been further improved. With the three-part division "semi-finished products - raw materials - resources", the raw material balances have become even more consistent. Partial raw material balances provide an insight into the wood flow from the perspective of a single raw material. Sectoral wood raw material balances complement these with a link to market sector analysis. The improved method provides a link between wood resource balances, circular economy modelling and market models (production, export, import). With the wood resource balance for the furniture market it was also possible to trace a consistent balance from a final goods sector via the use of semi-finished goods back to the

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